To inspire an interest in observing astronomical events and the phenomenon around us.
Identify and study the various celestial bodies like stars, planets and constellations in the night sky.
To deepen your knowledge of recent research in the astronomy field of study.
To brief you on all the fresh and fascinating space news through our weekly newsletters.
Providing a platform that cultivates an environment to work in a group.
How to be a part of the club members?
Ans) Students who interact and attend the meets regularly will be shortlisted and then the existing club members will vote to keep the different positions in mind, based on interaction, leadership and responsibility.
Is there a pre-requisite which is required?
Ans) No, students of any background can join the club.
Is it compulsory to attend all the club events?
Ans)No, there will be registrations for attending the expert talks (around 5 times in the year) so once you register we expect you to be present.
How many events are going to be there in a month?
Ans) Two(probably once every two weeks)
What is the rough duration of an event?
Ans) One hour(may vary depending on the event, will be informed in advance).
How to reach out if I have any ideas, questions or doubts?
Ans) You can reach out to ___________
When is the event?
Ans) preferably on __________(again depends on the astronomical calendar, will be informed)
How will I be informed regarding the events?
Ans) Through our Instagram and Gmail(along with which our weekly newsletters will be shared).